About the Artist

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—  About

Joshua Cole


Josh's portfolio focuses on landscape and macro photography, specializing in wide-field panoramic images with high-dynamic-range. A combination of specialized ball-mount and panoramic tripod heads help achieve a unique photographic perspective that encompass a wide field of view. This creates images which represent more closely than standard photographs, the perspective and dynamic range of the human eye.

Microsoft has published an album of his New Zealand photographs which can be found as default backgrounds on new Windows 10 PC's, or downloaded from the Microsoft Windows Personalization Gallery as a desktop theme pack. This will be available in the Window 10 Store soon!


"In vibrant blues and greens, photographer Josh Cole's images portray the relationship between pastoral countryside and sweeping seascape that make New Zealand a beloved destination for relaxation-seekers." - Microsoft Windows Gallery






Contact Information


North America


Dallas, Texas
+1 (903) 689 3625

South Pacific


Wellington, New Zealand
+64 (0) 22 389 5930



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